The 24th Sendai YMCA International Charity Run

◆Date: September 23, 2018 (Sun National holidays)
◆Venue: Tohoku Gakuin University Izumi Campus Athletic Field
◆Number of participants
Ekiden Team Teams: 50, Runners: 314
Family run: 38 teams, Runners 218
On the day, the weather was very good and the temperature went up, we worried about heat stroke, but we sent message of hydration supplementation and finished safely without report that it became heat stroke.
At the Ekiden, every runner was running so much comfortably with a lot of smiles. And at the race, not only adults, but also infants, elementary school students, junior high school students ran hard as good as they could. Although the children who finished running were tired, they ran with them while cheering for other friends who run to the end, and we could see children respecting each other and consideration. In the family run, runners participated preparing each cord and costumes. Each participating teams were running with fun while appealing their team in their own way. Also this year, at the event corner we performed “blind football experience” and “1/1000 full marathon” by cooperation of Korja Sendai Blind Football Club.
In “Kids ☆ Corner”, we also held a new sports experience corner. In addition to this, we also set up goods selling corners and raffle corners this year. We received a lot of support and cooperation from many people and finished 24th Sendai YMCA International Charity Run 2018. Thanks to all the sponsors, everyone who has prepared and participated.
◆会 場:東北学院大学 泉キャンパス陸上競技場
駅伝チーム数 50チーム 314人
ファミリーラン 38チーム 218人
その他来場者計 347人
合 計 879人