
World YMCA・YWCA Week of Prayer

世界YMCA・YWCAでは、11 月の第2週目の日曜日からの一週間を合同祈祷週として、毎年一つのテーマのもとに、聖書からメッセージを聴き、祈りを共にする時を持っています。今年は11月11日から11月17日までの一週間、「暴力に勝利はない」-人権と尊厳の尊重を目指して-というテーマのもとで祈りを合わせました。

YMCAs and YWCAs in the world annually hold the Week of Prayer which starts on the second Sunday of November to pray together with the Bible reflections regarding a certain theme.
We prayed together with the theme “Violence will not have the last word: Working for change that respects rights and dignity” from 11th November to 17th November this year.
These days, tensions concerning the territories between China and Japan, and Korea and Japan have been increasing. Making use of this opportunity, in this difficult situation, we prayed for peace among Japan, China and Korea, and for our mutual respect among North-East Asian people, and prayed to be able to solve the problems with the territorial dispute by dialogs, not by force.
The Prayers for Peace in the North-East Asia follows the Prayers in Japanese.

東北アジアの平和の祈り 「領土を巡る緊張が解け、平和を保つ共存の知恵に変りますように」

Prayers for Peace in the North-East Asia “May tensions concerning the territories ease and transform into wisdom of coexistence and keeping peace”
Holy God, tensions among nations are increasing in the North-East Asia now. History of human beings teaches us that peace is easily distracted and the territorial dispute would lead us to cruel wars and conflicts.
Also, this friction has made distrust and hatred spread in each nation instead of trust and amity. These nations’ economy that has grown in the mutual reliance has been crucially damaged and innocent people’s lives have been threatened.
We follow the peace doctrine “That they all may be one” by redemption of the cross of our Lord Jesus, so we have been exchanging youths and building friendship beyond borders.
Let the leaders and people of each nation remember our friendship nurtured, and let them have mind and wisdom of solving the problems with the territorial dispute by dialogs, not by force. Please make us an instrument of your peace.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Peace.

名称 公益財団法人 日本YMCA同盟
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