
The 21st Yokohama YMCA International Charity Run
第21回 横浜YMCAインターナショナル・チャリティーラン

◆Date: October 20,2018 (SAT)
◆Venue: Yokohama Minatomirai Rinko Park
◆Number of participants
A course: (1,100m / runner) 23 teams
B course: ( 800m / runner) 49 teams
C course: (100m / runner) 34 teams
Performance run: (100m / 1 round) 3 teams
Total: 109 teams
Total of runners: 345 runners
Staff / Volunteers: 66 persons + 151 persons = 217 persons
Others: 500 persons
Total: 1262 persons

The 21st Yokohama YMCA International Charity Run was held at Yokohama Minato Mirai Rinko Park.
We were able to hold it during the best autumn weather in recent years.
From this fiscal year we have conducted performance runs (Running or walking with matching costumes)
Childcare staffs during childcare of Yokohama YMCA parenting support team participated with children.
Two teams of wheelchairs participated this year with permission to park transfer bus near the venue.
At opening ceremony, it began with collaboration performance of Yokohama YMCA Cheer Dance Members and Yokohama City University Cheer Leaders named SEAGLLS and it got great excitement.
As YMCA in Yokohama area we could successfully hold the event supported by many volunteers, community groups / companies, all the national sponsors and many smiles of participants. We are pleased to report with gratitude that we could successfully hold this event.

◆会 場:横浜みなとみらい臨港パーク
ランナー合計 545人
スタッフ・ボランティア 66人+151人=217人
その他 500人
合 計 1,262人


Name FCSC / The National Council of YMCAs of JAPAN
名称 公益財団法人 日本YMCA同盟
Address 2-11 Yotsuya-Honshio-cho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0003 [MAP]
所在地 〒160-0003 東京都新宿区四谷本塩町2番11号[地図]
TEL/電話番号 03-5367-6640(代表)
E-mail/メール fcsc@ymcajapan.org