
The 20th Yamanashi YMCA International Charity Run

◆Date:June 10, 2017(Sat)
◆Venue:Kofu city Kose Sports Park Sub Field
◆Number of Participants:
Number of Teams:50 teams
Number of Runners:260
Number of Volunteer Stuff:110
Total Number of Participants:520

The Run have been blessed with good weather from morning, when an opening ceremony began, it was a hot day beyond 30 degrees. This year, 50 teams participated in the event. We think that all participants were able to enjoy the day through running. Although the target were varied according to each team, for example to aim at first prize or a team which participated with funny costume. There was the scene which made neighboring participants felt warm as the track and field club of Yamanashi Gakuin University’s players who had participated as an invitation team made a goal in accompanying with participants of the elementary school lower grades. In addition, we put a mist electric fan as heat stroke measures this time, and many runners who had finished running used it. This year the run was held in a hot day, but it was the best harvest that we were able to finish the event without any injured person.

◆会 場:甲府市小瀬スポーツ公園 補助競技場

大会当日は朝より天候に恵まれ、開会式が始まった頃には30度を超える暑い一日でした。 今年は50チームに参加していただきました。 一位を狙うチーム、面白いコスチュームで参加したチーム等、目標は各々違うにしても参加者全員が走ることを通して楽しむことが出来たと思います。
招待チームとして参加していただいた山梨学院大学の陸上部の選手が小学校低学年の参加者に伴走しながらゴールをした姿などは、周囲の参加者を温かい気持ちにさせる場面もありました。 また、今回は熱中症対策としてミスト扇風機を導入し、走り終わった多くのランナーが利用していました。

Name FCSC / The National Council of YMCAs of JAPAN
名称 公益財団法人 日本YMCA同盟
Address 2-11 Yotsuya-Honshio-cho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0003 [MAP]
所在地 〒160-0003 東京都新宿区四谷本塩町2番11号[地図]
TEL/電話番号 03-5367-6640(代表)
E-mail/メール fcsc@ymcajapan.org